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Fenris Kelevra Profile
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Registered: 03-2009
Posts: 220
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Bylaws proposal, New bylaws and wehen they take effect

Right now we have contradictory verbage in when our new bylaws take efffect.
10.a. says: Changes (amendments) to these by-laws can by made by a unanimous minus one vote of the Eryndor Executive Board. All by-law changes take effect after the meeting they are passed at is called to an end.
10.e. says: e. All proposals to amend the Eryndor By-Laws must be given to all Executive Board by being posted on the Eryndor Runboards. The Executive Board is then to convene, either in person or electronically, to discuss, amend, and vote for that proposal in a timely manner after its posting. Executive Board is to keep minutes for these smaller meetings and post their discussion and reasoning in the thread which contains the amendment, along with the results of the vote. Records of these meetings must be posted to the Runboard before any by-law change is considered to have occurred.

This is my proposed fix is to take out the last sentence in 10.e. Since 10.f was passed that keeps the urgency of updating so this isn't needed:

Old: 10.e. All proposals to amend the Eryndor By-Laws must be given to all Executive Board by being posted on the Eryndor Runboards. The Executive Board is then to convene, either in person or electronically, to discuss, amend, and vote for that proposal in a timely manner after its posting. Executive Board is to keep minutes for these smaller meetings and post their discussion and reasoning in the thread which contains the amendment, along with the results of the vote. Records of these meetings must be posted to the Runboard before any by-law change is considered to have occurred.

New:10.e All proposals to amend the Eryndor By-Laws must be given to all Executive Board by being posted on the Eryndor Runboards. The Executive Board is then to convene, either in person or electronically, to discuss, amend, and vote for that proposal in a timely manner after its posting. Executive Board is to keep minutes for these smaller meetings and post their discussion and reasoning in the thread which contains the amendment, along with the results of the vote.
1/8/2017, 7:01 pm Link to this post Send Email to Fenris Kelevra   Send PM to Fenris Kelevra
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Registered: 02-2016
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Re: Bylaws proposal, New bylaws and wehen they take effect

passed 2017 january meeting. 5-0
5/11/2017, 10:45 pm Link to this post Send Email to Nekrosis   Send PM to Nekrosis Blog

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